Our focus

We aim to provide knowledge and information to all interested parties so that our culture and language can be passed on to future generations. By focusing on the preservation of our language and culture, we seek to contribute to a diverse and inclusive society.



Papiamento* is the mother tongue of the inhabitants of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, and an important part of their cultural identity and heritage. The language has evolved from various European and African languages and can be seen as a symbol of the diversity and resilience of Caribbean societies.

Our mission is to promote and disseminate knowledge of Papiamento* among the Antillean community and the wider society in the Netherlands. We regularly organize language courses and events to stimulate the language and culture.

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Literature contributes to the understanding of our history, culture, and identity. It provides profound insight into the experiences and perspectives of the Antillean community, both in the past and present.

Some well-known authors include:

  • Frank Martinus Arion
  • Tip Marugg
  • Boeli van Leeuwen
  • Cola Debrot
  • Jacques Thonissen
  • Nydia Ecury
  • Rosabelle Illes
  • Pierre Lauffer
  • Medardo de Marchena



Intangible heritage, or ‘living heritage,’ encompasses the cultural expressions, practices, traditions, and knowledge passed down through generations in our community, forming an integral part of our identity. Cultural heritage connects and unites us.

Both Tambu and the Kaha di òrgel are important aspects of the cultural identity of the ABC islands. Therefore, SPLIKA placed them on the Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Netherlands in 2016. With this action, we are committed to safeguarding and ensuring the continuity of these intangible cultural heritage items.

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Upcoming lectures and events

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