Would you like to contribute to our mission and vision? Support Stichting SPLIKA to achieve our goals and continue organizing activities.
Donations to Stichting SPLIKA are tax deductible.
The Dutch Tax Authorities have designated Stichting SPLIKA as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) as of January 1, 2013. Due to this ANBI status, certain donations are deductible, and we are not required to pay gift or inheritance tax on received donations and legacies. The tax authorities can inform you about the deductibility of your donation.
You can make a donation directly using our form.
Or you can manually transfer your donation to:
IBAN: NL96 INGB 0008 9799 10
ANBI: RSIN 804533210
Utrechtse Heuvelrug 164
3452LM, Vleuten
KVK: 41156396
RSIN (ANBI): 804533210
BTW: NL 804533210 B01
IBAN: NL96 INGB 0008 9799 10
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